Associated names are Tweak25 or BorgarHiminnlínan og SilfurEggið
This is a parody school that legitimately teaches icelandic. It is icelandic intended to annoy people just as the mistaken translation, University of Reykjavík annoys me because people can´t even pay attention to this kind of smá atriði á ensku. I call it simple Icelandic. We focus on slang and curse words. Non-standard grammar is encouraged.
First hiring practice. We only hire people who know more than no Icelandic at all, nothing more. Second hiring practice is we only hire people whose names start with an M or E like Em who can´t find a job anywhere else. If your nickname starts with an m or e then you qualify to make a pull request. Otherwise your requests are delegated only to the Issues section of this repo. If you GitHub name starting við a p or l phonetically then you’re also banned from submitting issues or pull requests as well. Issues from everyone is encouraged especially accounts named ihaveissues or ihafissues iizissues
Our First Teacher is Mr. Flan and his secretary is Madoka Khan-chan-sama of the French animé.
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Judy Y. Fong = or to mess with linkedin:
H. Simonson, pro bono consultant
This school depends on direct donations, sponsorships, and patrons to survive and to continue operating so please donate what you can to us. However, we also recommend also sending payments to Huldumál nemendafélagið á Háskóla Íslands.